It has been quite a while since my last post, and thats mainly because up until two weeks ago, I was unable to do any typing with my right hand. I had surgery on my right shoulder 7 1/2 weeks ago, and for the first 4 weeks, it was confined to a sling. I couldn't use it to do ANYTHING and it was HORRIBLE. For a little background on why I had surgery, let me take you back 10 years to a snow tubing mishap in West Virginia. To keep a long story short, I slipped out of a snow tube and my shoulder slipped out of it's socket.. More like, it was pushed out, but regardless it was the beginning of a very slippery shoulder. Since then, I've dislocated my shoulder over a dozen times doing simple things like, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, or sleeping.. YES! Sleeping. That happened twice and it was traumatic. Well since Matt is getting out of the army in
8 months, we thought it would be wise to fix this on the army's bill. My surgery was June 30th, and it went smoothly. The recovery was the worst, and still is, the hardest part of this whole situation. Surgeon's and Dr's never mention recovery because I'm pretty certain 99% of the people would never go through with the procedure. So here is a picture of my battle scar a day after surgery:
ICK huh??! |
It is feeling much better these days, and is gradually getting stronger and stronger. Matt has been such a trooper helping out with everything around the house, but I think he's had his fill. Lucky for him my arm is getting better and I'm able to help out much more than I have been able to. I'll be back to my slave duties in no time.